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NCERT Solutions for Rebels And The Raj Class 12
Answer 1
During the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the mutinous sepoys in various places turned to erstwhile rulers to provide leadership to the revolt due to several factors:
Symbolic Authority: The erstwhile rulers represented a symbol of power and authority that was familiar to the sepoys. They were seen as legitimate figures of leadership and were associated with the traditional order that had been disrupted by British colonial rule.
Promises of Restoration: Many sepoys believed that the former rulers if reinstated, would restore their privileges and rights that had been curtailed under British rule. They hoped that aligning themselves with the ex-rulers would lead to the revival of a pre-colonial social and political order.
Shared Interests: The sepoys and the erstwhile rulers shared a common desire to overthrow British domination. Both groups had grievances against the British, such as economic exploitation, cultural suppression, and the erosion of traditional authority. Joining forces with the ex-rulers seemed like a strategic alliance to achieve their collective goal.
Military Expertise: The ex-rulers often had military experience and knowledge, which made them suitable candidates to lead the revolt. They possessed tactical skills, organizational abilities, and an understanding of warfare that the sepoys felt they needed to effectively challenge the British forces.
Regional Influence: The erstwhile rulers held significant regional influence and established networks of supporters and loyalists. By rallying behind them, the sepoys could tap into existing networks, gain broader support from the local population, and potentially expand the scope of the rebellion summary, the mutinous sepoys turned to erstwhile rulers for leadership during the revolt due to their symbolic authority, promises of restoration, shared interests, military expertise, and regional influence. These factors made the ex-rulers attractive figures to lead the resistance against British colonial rule.
The examples you provided indeed indicate lines of communication and organization among the mutinous sepoys during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. These lines of communication were essential for coordinating their actions and sharing information.
Communication between Cantonments: The exchange of letters between the 7th Awadh Irregular Cavalry and the 48th Native Infantry demonstrates communication and coordination between different cantonments. The sepoys communicated their actions and awaited orders from each other, indicating a level of coordination and solidarity.
Movement of Sepoys: The movement of sepoys or their emissaries from one station to another suggests a deliberate effort to share information, coordinate activities, and gather support. By physically travelling between different locations, they facilitated communication and coordination among rebel groups.
Organized Mutinies: The incident involving Captain Hearsey and the decision to resolve the matter through a panchayat composed of native officers from each regiment indicates a higher level of organization. The establishment of a panchayat and their regular meetings suggest a structured decision-making process and coordination among the mutineers.
Panchayats in Sepoy Lines: The mention of nightly panchayats in the Kanpur sepoy lines highlights a system of regular meetings and discussions among the sepoys. These panchayats served as a platform for planning, coordination, and decision-making within the rebel ranks.
These instances provide evidence of deliberate communication and organization among the mutinous sepoys. They sought to maintain contact, share information, and collectively make decisions, indicating a level of planning and coordination in their actions. These lines of communication and organizational structures played a crucial role in the rebellion’s spread and success in various regions.
Answer 3
Indeed, you have highlighted some significant problems associated with using official sources in writing about the history of peasants. The points you mentioned further emphasize the limitations and challenges involved. Here’s a summary of the issues you raised:
Limited Perspective: Official records often focus on the perspectives and interests of the ruling authorities, such as the Company Raj. They may neglect alternative viewpoints and fail to consider the broader context of events, leading to an incomplete understanding of peasant experiences.
Cultural Bias: British colonial attitudes and prejudices against local people, their culture, and traditions may have influenced the portrayal of peasants in official records. This bias could result in an inaccurate or distorted depiction of peasant life, contributing to a negative and demeaning image.
Manipulation of Records: Official sources can be subject to manipulation or selective presentation of information to serve the interests of those in power. This manipulation may involve altering or suppressing evidence, as seen in the example of the Deccan Ryot Commission’s conclusion that downplayed the role of high land revenue and attributed peasant grievances solely to moneylenders.
Critical Evaluation: To overcome these issues, it is essential to approach official sources critically and complement them with a variety of other sources. Balancing official records with alternative perspectives, oral histories, local traditions, and non-official sources can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the lives and struggles of peasants.
In conclusion, while official sources provide valuable insights into historical events, they must be approached with caution and cross-referenced with other sources to overcome biases, fill gaps in information, and gain a more accurate understanding of the history of peasants.
Answer 5
You are correct in pointing out that the rebel proclamations during the revolt of 1857 appealed to people of all backgrounds, irrespective of their caste and creed. These proclamations aimed to unite Hindus and Muslims in a common cause against British rule. Some key observations regarding the inclusiveness of the revolt are as follows:
Inclusive Appeals: The rebel proclamations explicitly addressed both Hindus and Muslims, calling upon them to unite and fight together against the British. The Azamgarh Proclamation is an example of such an appeal, emphasizing the need for joint resistance and referring to the struggle as a holy war in which all should participate.
Addressing Religious Sentiments: Proclamations made by Muslim princes or in their names were careful to address the sentiments of Hindus, recognizing their importance in the rebellion. This was done to ensure the support and unity of the diverse population.
Shared Interests: The rebellion was perceived as a war in which both Hindus and Muslims had a common stake. They believed that they would equally lose or gain from the outcome of the conflict. This shared interest fostered a sense of unity among different religious communities.
Glorifying Coexistence: The proclamations often invoked the pre-British past, particularly the era of the Mughal Empire, highlighting the coexistence and harmony of different communities during that time. This appealed to the shared historical memory and sense of nostalgia among the population.
The British, on the other hand, attempted to create divisions between Hindus and Muslims to weaken the rebellion. Instances such as inciting the Hindu population against Muslims in Bareilly demonstrate these attempts. However, such efforts did not succeed in fracturing the unity and cooperation that existed between the two communities during the revolt.
Overall, the inclusiveness of the rebel proclamations and the collective resistance of Hindus and Muslims showcased the widespread discontent and the desire for freedom from British rule, transcending religious differences.
The measures taken by the British to suppress the rebellion of 1857 were indeed significant in quelling the uprising. The key measures can be summarized as follows:
Imposition of Martial Law and Harsh Punishments: In areas where the rebels held ground, Martial Law was imposed. This gave military officers the power to enforce the law, dispense justice, and pronounce convictions and punishments. The objective was to swiftly and mercilessly crush the rebellion, instilling fear among the population and making them subservient to British authority. Brutal executions, such as being blown up by cannons or hanged from trees, were carried out to intimidate the masses.
Diplomatic Strategies: The British employed diplomatic tactics to weaken and dismantle the rebellion. They sought alliances with native kingdoms and rulers who were not supportive of the rebellion. Promises of rewards and protection were made to secure their allegiance and cooperation. Additionally, communities that were not involved in the mutiny, like the Sikhs, were recruited and deployed to fight against the rebels.
Technological Advantage: The British utilized their technological superiority to gain an upper hand on the battlefields. They had access to superior weapons and employed advanced communication systems, such as the telegraph, which allowed for instant communication and coordination among their forces. This gave them a strategic advantage over the rebels who lacked such advanced technology and were often unaware of British movements and plans.
The British strategy to suppress the rebellion was multi-faceted and relied on a combination of military force, diplomacy, and technological superiority. This comprehensive approach, coupled with their overwhelming resources and superior organization, ultimately proved effective in quelling the rebellion and reestablishing British control.
The annexation of Awadh by the British and the subsequent grievances of the people, including the peasants, taluqdars, and zamindars, played a significant role in the widespread revolt. The reasons you mentioned further explain why the revolt gained momentum in Awadh:
(a) The annexation of Awadh:
The British annexed Awadh under the pretext of miss governance, but this action was met with strong resistance from the local population. The Nawab of Awadh was highly regarded and his removal caused emotional turmoil among the people, leading to a sense of loss and discontentment.
The annexation disrupted the traditional court culture and led to the unemployment of various individuals who were associated with Nawab’s administration and household. This created a sense of economic insecurity and resentment among the affected groups.
(b) Grievances of the peasants, taluqdars, and zamindars:
The taluqdars, who were once powerful landholders, faced disempowerment and the loss of their forts and privileges following the annexation. The British implemented the Summary Settlement of 1856, which undermined the taluqdars’ permanent stakes in land and often resulted in their removal. This action caused deep discontent among the taluqdars.
The British administration’s aim to improve the condition of the peasants by removing the taluqdars did not lead to the expected improvement in their situation. Despite increased revenue flows to the state, the burden of land revenue demands on the peasants remained high, exacerbating their grievances and dissatisfaction with the new system.
These grievances and the feeling of loss of power, cultural disruption, and economic hardships provided a fertile ground for the participation of peasants, taluqdars, and zamindars in the revolt against British rule in Awadh.
Answer 7
The rebels in the 1857 revolt had various aspirations and demands, and the visions of different social groups involved in the revolt often differed to some extent. While it is important to note that the revolt encompassed a wide range of grievances and motivations, the following points highlight some of the general goals and differences in vision among the rebels:
Removal of British rule: The overarching objective of the rebels was to overthrow British colonial rule and regain control over their territories. They sought to restore indigenous rule and rid themselves of the British administration and its policies.
Restoration of Mughal authority: Many rebels, particularly in North India, rallied around the last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah II, and aimed to restore Mughal authority and establish him as the symbolic leader of the rebellion. They perceived the Mughal Empire as a unifying symbol of Indian culture and sovereignty.
Preservation of religious and social traditions: The revolt was fueled by religious and cultural sentiments, with rebels seeking to protect and preserve their religious practices and traditions from what they perceived as interference and disrespect by the British. They aimed to resist the social reforms introduced by the British administration, such as the abolition of the Sati system and the promotion of widow remarriage.
Reinstatement of dispossessed rulers and elites: Many local rulers, taluqdars, and zamindars who had lost their power and privileges due to British policies saw the revolt as an opportunity to regain their lost status and authority. Their vision often focused on the restoration of their own rule and the reestablishment of their dominance over their territories.
Agrarian grievances and economic concerns: Peasants and rural communities played a significant role in the revolt. Their grievances were rooted in economic hardships, high land revenue demands, and exploitative agrarian policies. They sought relief from oppressive taxation and desired a more equitable distribution of resources and land.
While there were shared goals among the rebels, the vision of different social groups varied to some extent based on their specific grievances and aspirations. For example, the elites and dispossessed rulers focused on restoring their own power and privileges, while peasants emphasized agrarian issues and economic justice. However, despite these differences, the common objective of ending British rule unified the rebels in their struggle against colonial domination.
The pictorial images produced during the mutiny provide important visual records and evoke a range of emotions and reactions. Both British and Indian artists created these images using various mediums such as paintings, pencil drawings, and posters. These images served different purposes and conveyed different messages:
(i) British images: British pictorial images presented a variety of scenes and narratives related to the mutiny. They often portrayed British heroes who served the English and repressed the rebels. These images aimed to commemorate their efforts and portray them as heroic figures. For example, the painting “Relief of Lucknow” by Thomas Jones Barker depicts the rescue of the besieged British garrison in Lucknow by James Outram, Henry Havelock, and Colin Campbell. Such images aimed to reinforce British heroism and triumph.
(ii) Violence against women and children: Newspapers reported incidents of violence against women and children during the mutiny. These reports fueled demands for revenge and retribution. Artists tried to capture emotions and suffering through visual representations. Paintings like “In Memoriam” by Joseph Noel Paton portrayed English women and children huddled together, awaiting their fate at the hands of the rebels. These images aimed to evoke sympathy and anger, depicting the rebels as violent and barbaric.
(iii) Portrait of rebellion heroes: Some pictorial images depicted the dead and injured heroes of the rebellion. These images highlighted the sufferings endured during the siege, while also emphasizing the reestablishment of British rule. They conveyed the message that the rebellion had been suppressed and British authority restored.
(iv) Demonstrating invincibility: In response to the threat posed by the rebellion, the British felt the need to demonstrate their invincibility. Pictorial images were used to represent this notion. For example, an image depicting a female figure of justice with a sword and shield was created. The figure appeared aggressive, expressing anger and a desire for revenge. These heroic images aimed to reinforce the image of British strength and dominance.
(v) Women as heroes: Some sketches and paintings depicted women as heroic figures defending themselves against the rebels. Their struggle was often portrayed as having deeper religious significance, representing a battle to save the honour of Christianity. Symbolic elements, such as a book representing the Bible, were included to convey this message.
(vi) Reports of the uprising: Pictorial images were also influenced by the reports and accounts of the mutiny provided by British officers. These images served as visual representations of the events and experiences witnessed by the officers during the uprising.
Overall, these pictorial images reflect the perspectives, emotions, and ideologies of the artists and the societies in which they were created. They provide valuable insights into the historical events and the narratives constructed around the mutiny.

Visual Source: “Relief of Lucknow” by Thomas Jones Barker
Text Source: Extract from “The Last Mughal” by William Dalrymple
“Relief of Lucknow” by Thomas Jones Barker is a visual representation that portrays the point of view of the victors, highlighting the heroic efforts of British officers in rescuing the besieged British garrison in Lucknow during the mutiny. The painting depicts the triumphant scene of British officers, including James Outram, Henry Havelock, and Colin Campbell, who played key roles in the relief of Lucknow. The composition and artistic choices in the painting emphasize the bravery and valour of these British figures. The heroes are depicted prominently in the centre, with a sense of grandeur and triumph. Their posture, expressions, and clothing all convey strength, determination, and British imperial power. The use of light and colour in the painting further enhances their heroic image.
On the other hand, an extract from “The Last Mughal” by William Dalrymple presents the point of view of the vanquished, particularly the last Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, during the mutiny. The extract provides insights into the experiences and thoughts of Bahadur Shah Zafar, who became a symbolic leader of the rebellion. It reveals the sentiments of loss, despair, and frustration among the vanquished, as their power and authority were challenged and eventually crushed by the British. The text highlights the complex emotions felt by Bahadur Shah Zafar and his struggle to maintain authority and unity among the rebel forces. It presents the vanquished as victims of British oppression and the erosion of their traditional authority and culture.
These two sources represent contrasting perspectives and narratives of the mutiny. The visual source celebrates the victors and portrays the British as heroic figures, reinforcing the idea of British imperial power and triumph over the rebels. It reflects the perspective of the colonial rulers, showcasing their military prowess and dominance. On the other hand, the text source gives voice to the vanquished, presenting their experiences, emotions, and challenges. It sheds light on the resistance against British rule and the loss of power and cultural identity suffered by the vanquished.
Together, these sources demonstrate the power dynamics and the differing viewpoints that existed during the mutiny. They reflect the narrative of the victors as well as the perspectives and experiences of the vanquished, providing a more nuanced understanding of the historical event.